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A Mega-Tsunami Caused by Landslide Strikes Greenland

A significant geological event involving a landslide in Greenland triggered a colossal tsunami reaching heights of 650 feet, sending seismic waves across the globe. This event, linked to climate change, produced a rumble that lasted for nine days, catching the attention of researchers worldwide. Read more.

Innovative Ig Nobel Prizes Celebrate Quirky Science

This year, the prestigious Ig Nobel Prizes highlighted unique scientific research, ranging from investigations into pension fraud to studies of plastic plants. Such lighthearted awards aim to celebrate unconventional and unexpected contributions to science. Read more.

Webb Telescope Reveals Stunning Cosmic Scenes

The James Webb Space Telescope has provided breathtaking observations of the outskirts of our galaxy, unveiling a wealth of stars and offering new insights into cosmic formations. Its findings deepen our understanding of the Milky Way’s structure and composition. Read more.

Navigating Star Formation with NASA’s Latest Findings

Nasa’s James Webb Space Telescope has revolutionized our comprehension of star formation in the Extreme Outer Galaxy, shedding light on previously uncharted regions of our universe. This research outlines incredible advancements in the field of astrophysics. Read more.

NASA’s Plans to Return to the Moon Intensify

In preparation for its return to the lunar surface, NASA is gearing up for a series of missions that will study the Moon’s South Pole, looking to uncover its mysteries and improve our understanding of its environment. Read more.

Climate-Linked Landslide Resonates Across the Globe

Researchers are raising alarms after a landslide linked to climate change generated an extraordinary seismic event, akin to prehistoric occurrences, with a recorded tsunami height of up to 200 meters. This incident highlights potential risks in a changing environment. Read more.

Australia Recognizes 750 New Species in Biodiversity Effort

In a remarkable achievement, Australia has officially recognized 750 new species of flora and fauna, showcasing its rich biodiversity and commitment to conservation. This addition reflects the ongoing efforts to protect the continent’s unique ecosystems. Read more.

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